Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Andy Kuizin - Cianide 1996 - 99

Next interview with Andy is done... He said me story how he got playing into Cianide also his first days there and another information about that band which I wrote below:

"Rage War 96" demo 1996
 "Death, Doom & Destruction"  1997
 Recording "Divide and Conquer" 1999

 Metal Never Bends!!!!        \../

To be continued...


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Brian Lee - Enforcer

I just came home after  meeting with Brian Lee who is playing Chicago band call Enforcer. They started playing in 1983 and recorded 2 good demos in the middle 80's. I got a lot good information for my publication about Enforcer...

To be Continued....


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Eva Flora - Art work # 2

This is another Eva's  new piece of art which she is working on now for the book and that sketch we'll use for poster and some page illustration... 

I am sure most people from Chicago know what that image reminds... yes this sculpture is Chicago's landmark.

To be continued....