Friday, December 30, 2016

Mark Kadzielawa - Thornado'zine 1987 - 90... and other magazines.

     Tonight I met my Polish buddy Mark Kadzielawa who wrote so many interviews, review and articles about music from Chicago and bands around the world. He is involved in writing almost 30 years. W were correcting his firs interview which did for me 4 years ago. We also did some new quotes and his  interview is rich in information about Chicago Scene.  I just finished few new texts for this part of the book.

    Last few months I didn't put any information about what is going on with my publication. I am still working on writing my part of book and checking again transcribed interviews.  
    Month ago I got very cool quotes form King Foley (Deceased/October31) about Chicago Scene and that is part of chapter "People not from Chicago talking about Windy City Scene". 


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chicago Metal Radio Programs

My buddy Macin Widel wrote for me story about couple radio metal shows which where played in 90's.
I am start working on chapter "Chicago Metal Radio Auditions"...


Friday, August 19, 2016

Working on book

Here is day after day what I was working last month. Probably I wrote 20 new pages my introductions. 

To be continued

Friday, August 12, 2016

Texts III

Work on book is still in progress. I wrote a lot new texts. I got few new art works.

I will keep up dating

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Texts II

I am still working on my part of texts for this publication. Lately I was writing for Funeral Nation chapter which is done in 90%. Now also still working on "Chicago Zines" part and Few other chapters. Book is growing up...

I will up date more about that project soon.

to be continued

Friday, May 6, 2016

Shaun Glass - Terminal Death, Sindrome

I just finished interview Shaun Glass from Terminal Death and Sindrome... I got new information  about that bands.

In plans I will do couple more  interviews with two other people and I am closing that part of work on my book.

To be continued...

Friday, April 29, 2016


Chapter  "Zines from Chicago" is in 80% done!!! Includes  now 18 titles and 30 issues...

Also chapter "Polish zines about Chicago Scene" is mostly finished...

To be continued...

Friday, April 1, 2016

Chicago Fanzines

My buddy Sam Tocci few weeks ago gave  some zines from Chicago area. I am working now on the.chapter which is about  zines from Chicago and this is half way done. There will be information about 20 underground magazines.

Sam is person who also helping me with texts corrections other things for my publication...

To be continued...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Marcus Kolar - SARCOPHAGUS - Part 2

Yesterday I was hanging out with Marcus and we were working on his old interview which I did back  August 08 2012. We corrected most of things there beside that we did couple another chapters for that view. Right now information about Sarcophagus has around 17 pages and that will be more.

To be continued

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Robert Campos - New Artwork...

Few weeks ago I met with Robert Campos he brought for me 10 new artworks for my publication...

One of artwork below...

To be continued .

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chaz Baker - Abomination / Funeral Bitch / Funeral Nation

Last evening I was working with Chaz Baker no more information about bands he was/is member.  That was second meeting with Chaz together we did for this publication. I got already  lot material about old Abomination and Funeral Nation... I got some when he played in Funeral Bitch.
I am sure for  a lot metal maniacs and fans of Chicago metal scene that information will be very rare...

To be continued