Sunday, September 28, 2014

Eva Flora - Art work # 4

First poster for my publication titled "Testimony from the Heart and History of Chicago's True Scene" by Eva Flora.

To be continued....


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Eva Flora - Art work # 3

Here is book's title/logo which will be use on front page and poster... This is next Eva's very good art work which we created together. I mean is her and my ideas but she painted that logo.

To be continued....


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Robert Campos - Art work # 2

In early 90's in WARG Radio Robert Campos provided metal audition, this sketch is designed by Robert for my publication... Like I said before he is working on more art like that for my book... I just got couple other painting but I publish maybe next time...

To be continued....


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Brad Buldak - Grimm Death'zine/Records, Crematorium, Morgue...

I just came beck with a trip from Joliet where   interviewed Brad Buldak man who run few things involved in Chicago Metal Scene. He played in two bands like Crematorium and Morgue. With Morgue he recorded  two demos  and  full-length that was in early 90's.... Before that he did few issues of fan zine called Grimm Death and also together with Ken Escobedo started label named the same as his fanzine...


To be continued...